Bringing the voice of Ann Arbor’s Real Estate Community to the local policy process

In July 2022, a group of Ann Arbor real estate business leaders launched Smart Growth Ann Arbor (SGAA) to create a unified voice for the Real Estate Community in the local policy process. SGAA’s focus is to advocate commonsense policies to improve Ann Arbor’s development process and to take a proactive role on real estate-related issues, including long-range planning, zoning, land use and taxation.

Who We Are


SGAA is incorporated as a 501(c)(4) non-profit. The organization has established bylaws and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. SGAA retains a political outreach and advocacy firm to conduct the organization’s day-to-day efforts. Members pay annual dues and benefit from SGAA’s resources, events, and advocacy work.

Our Mission

SGAA promotes rational land use and taxation policies, strives to limit costly and unnecessary real estate regulations, and brings the voice of the Real Estate Community into the local policy process. SGAA’s efforts aim to foster initiatives to create housing, good-paying jobs, and new tax base for the Ann Arbor community.

Principal Members

Affiliate Members